Interesting how life comes full circle. Having met his parents once when he was three and then permanently when he was six years old, A. & his own adoptee experience into his biological family with a hint of intergenerational tensions . . . having overcome my own grief and anxiety around my parents' desperate & heart-wrenching decision to 'send away' my disabled brother and my growing up with his ghost presence (absence) . . . of course, these situations are much more laden with immigrant, cultural, parental, grand-parental, financial and very complicated struggles. Our parents cannot be faulted, and they cannot be judged. And here we are, parents-to-be . . . adopting our child from the Philippines, a location that is of such personal significance to A. & me.
Oh, the orbits we will go!
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the tragedy that is in Haiti today. I pray for the Haitian people, the government and world aid. I know family friends, who visited Haiti in October 2009, to meet their son. His adoption is supposed to be completed this upcoming March 2010. N. is in Haiti, and I hope he makes it home soon to his family in Virginia.
My prayer for Haiti & all those connected to Haiti
Om mani padme hum. Come, Compassion. From the hells of desperation, may beauty and light emerge, so that the Haitian people experience quiet and loving presence. Om mani padme hum.