

"Ho, ho, ho . . . It's magic you know . . . Never believe, it's not so . . . It's magic, you know . . . Never believe, it's not so . . . " ~ Pilot

The magic of modern medicine? Maybe not so much magic, more of a science? Or not . . . A.'s been stoned once again. Second bout of kidney stones, second blast in 10 years. My CABG (coronary artery bypass graft) partner can't seem to catch a break . . . though stones are nothing compared to open heart surgery. We think our future child may be an angel. A.'s been asymptomatic. Never would've caught his stones were it not for the required numerous medical tests for our adoption process. This is yet again another blessing. Just like A.'s heart journey . . . we were able to take preventive measures all because we needed medical clearance to join the gym. Our angel's probably thinking, Better make sure Mama & Papa are healthy before I come home. Or, at least that's what Mama & Papa are saying.


Magic seems to be especially evident during the winter season. Some might say it's the holiday spirit, and others, the peace of the fallen snow. Maybe it's just the ordinary experience of something moving or the feeling of being moved. Like how A. made me a special dinner tonight because he said, I'd worked so hard to take care of him yesterday during his procedure.

A blast of magic happened upon me tonight. Gotta appreciate those bippity-boppity-boo moments.