Thank You, Golden Warmth --
that we have access to Technology
which monitors our Health.
Thank you, Golden Warmth --
that Medicine Men and Women
are called to serve
& share their knowledge
Thank you, Golden Wamrth --
that Love and Compassion
continue to bless me.
Shanti, shanti, shanti.
It was a quite a week . . . what with A. pushing out multiple kidney stone fragments and his having to schedule a future lithotripsy blast. It will be his third. And me? I await the results of a core biopsy unexpectedly performed on my right breast. New lump. I was scheduled for a fine needle aspiration (FNA). I've had two other FNAs done for two other lumps in the past, both benign. Unfortunately, inconclusive results this time around. So it was immediately onto a core biopsy. Incision, gun contraption, and all. Been wearing a big boob bandaid for the past few days. Nurse says to keep it on until it falls off on its own -- the bandaid, that is. Still waiting.