Our time in Kennesaw with K. & T.'s family plus their kids, E. & M., turned out to be quite the trip. Auntie, Uncle & Mom drove down from CT to GA in one day . . . & we feasted! Our 2nd Annual Great American Smokeout -- smoked trout, smoked ribs, raspberry chicken & grilled steak (it's been a while since I've eaten that much meat!). . . & vegetables too, of course! Couldn't help but wonder, what is this going to be like when we throw an extra kid into the mix? And couldn't help think, another Christmas without Dad.
As my three-and-a-half year old niece and six-year-old nephew reminded me, it's all about being in the now. In her toddler-GA accent, E. constantly coaxed me, "Play with me, Auntie S. You be dah fairy godmoddahr."