
Dear Deer

The last time deer appeared unexpectedly was when we decided to send N. back to school in person during the pandemic after she had been vaccinated. January 2022 after everyone else had returned to school in person in August 2021. The sight of the deer family on my morning walk then was reassurance that we had made the right decision . . . for our family. 

A female deer appeared again today during my walk with my four-legged Creagh. After having led a few PTA committees these past years, I'd recently made the decision to step up as PTA president at N.'s elementary school. While I wait to be voted in to the Board, a mix of excitement and anxiety unnerve me just a bit. And there she was, alone and regal in the middle of our suburban neighborhood field. Quiet and still. Looking directly at me. Reminding me that I am where I'm meant to be. 

Dear Deer --

Thank you for stopping me in my tracks to remember the importance of gentleness and heart intelligence. I truly believe that you have come at a time when I need confirmation that this is the next step fated in my journey to stay connected to what matters right now. I have always valued the ideal of school community and engagement. I love the importance of connection to others, to nature, to ourselves so that productive learning can happen in and out of the classroom, at home, and in our hearts in an effort to be grow in self-awareness and mindful gratitude. And so I will lead and act with that rootedness in heart connection. 

Thank you for meeting me this morning. You are my spirit animal. 

With love --