Thank you, A., for supporting me during my unemployment, for letting me enjoy a taste of living as a 'kept woman,' at least for a while. It was actually a good run. I didn't mind so much the . . . having dinner ready as soon as A. walked through the door, doing load after load of laundry on a daily basis, & groceries every week . . . in addition to my much appreciated yoga & meditation sessions at home . . . dates with Mom . . . & most importantly, time to grieve & reflect on death . . . & life too. However, I am thankful to return to work, so as to relieve A. of any pressure & stress with my not working.
This past week, I was saddened to learn that an old high school classmate's 5-year-old son was suddenly hospitalized, and doctors discovered he has AVM (arterio-venous malformation) on his brain, a rare medical condition. While I am not a parent yet, I feel compassion for B. & her family, especially her young son, J. Living with AVM is extremely risky, given bleeding on the brain & the possibility of ongoing seizures. B. & her family are hopeful, and J. receives the best medical care at Columbia University Medical Center. J., sending you healthy & loving vibrations.
Upon learning J.'s news, I realized . . . I really need not be so bummed about where A. & I are currently at with our family planning. And facebook doesn't always help . . . getting all caught up with everyone else's status updates & photos of being pregnant, their baby showers, first-time dads cutting umbilical cords,& first-time moms gushing at their newborns. While I've known that choosing to be a parent is certainly no easy undertaking, I'm also reminded that there are always risks involved -- medical, physical, mental & emotional risks. While people do choose to be parents, they certainly don't choose their children's -- biological or adopted -- situations. And therein lies the awesomeness of parenthood. Circumstances -- parents can't always choose, but no matter what, they do always love their kids.