What a coincidence that for years, I attended All Angels Church (Episcopal) on the Upper West Side & really enjoyed being part of the community void of all pretenses & such, where the homeless sat in the same pew as the financier from the Upper East side, where the drug addict shared peace with the local Columbia student, & where the struggling single mom sought comfort in spending time with a not-broken family. And what's great about ESS is its commitment to communities & social justice, which have been part of my life's education -- even if it started in an all-girls Catholic school.
From supporting families (parenting, early childhood, teens, counseling, substance abuse, domestic violence, foster care, adoption, disabled) to providing youth & adults with encouraging assistance post incarceration, I am heartful that ESS will be the kind of workplace that will support A. & me through our next phase as a couple since we've long been wanting to start a family of our own. Maybe like how GCWW supported us through Dad's cancer journey. Call me crazy, but I actually fantasize about how some Asian American baby will come through the doors, & someone will ask if I know of any Asian Am families who want to adopt a child . . . & jumping up & down with my hands flailing, I will respond with an enthusiastic, "Oooo, oooo! Me, me, please!" Who knows?