And to top the night off, three hours of karaoke! Ray rocked out with his guitar-hero versions of his favorite songs, and Al tried all night to score over 50. Poor guy, he's always just a half note below when he sings a tune. May finally warmed up after witnessing Al's tone talent. And me? I realize I need to sing more . . . I'm so out of practice! No doubt Dad would've been completely disappointed in my low scores.
Yesterday morning, I awoke to a dream about my Dad -- my first one since he's passed. We were at someone's house celebrating. Lots of family and friends came over, including Tito Frank's family. (A longtime family friend, Tito Frank passed away Memorial Day weekend this year.) I believe Tito Frank was enjoying himself too. Dad encouraged everyone to get on the rollercoaster. My dream then shifted to an actual rollercoaster ride, and Dad was on it! Having fun, enjoying himself. Guess he's in a good place? I don't have to read so intensely into my dream to know what Dad's trying to say. I find myself feeling like I can finally start getting into the holiday Spirit & celebrating the advent of Winter Solstice.
Knowing that it was Dad's 100-day death anniversary, I'd wanted so much to touch base with some of Dad's friends yesterday. To Dad's good friends: Please do keep in touch as it comforts me to know that you shared such wonderful friendship & brotherhood. I know how much Dad treasured his good times with you -- mah jong, golf, poker . . . just hanging with his buddies. Thank you for being in his life.