I've been obsessive, trying to read all I can about President-Elect Barack Obama and the influential women in his life. Here are some glimpses into this inspiring man's life:
I didn't cry on Election Night. I was just in awe. But I've cried reading about his life, his story, and the stories of his mother and grandmother. I never thought that I would see -- in my lifetime -- that this nation is ready for a hapa president. I am so ecstatic to have been proven wrong!
A fleeting thought -- As I came of age in my twenties, Dad would encourage me, Date a man of color. Date a Latino, date a Black man before you date a White man.
Wonder what Dad would say today.
I welcome the change and look forward to an awesome history in the making. We could definitely use more of the aloha spirit.
A ala mai laulea honua.
Arise, a peaceful world.