
Holiday magic

The holidays manage to spark fireworks of memories. On this winter solstice, I think of the vintage faux fur hat that includes a band around the brim and a feather tucked in, the back partly folded that my Dad used to don with his heavy beige felt coat trimmed with faux fur too -- real slick for the 1970s. 

We especially miss those who are beyond the stars this time of year. Every night as I walk our dog before bedtime, I ritually look up and drink in the sky's twinkled cocktail on the off chance I catch a shooting star (it has happened before!). Nothing else exists in that breath except a moment of stillness . . . my attempt to keep that little place where magic grows . . . alive.

Magic awakes in a long awaited get together with mom friends for holiday tea and treats along with a belated birthday surprise! Deeply touched by their generous gesture of celebration, I'm once again reminded of Life's gems in the circle of friends that we treasure and count among our blessings. 
Just what my heart needed as I've been missing my Dad.

My wish for you this solstice:
 May you feel everyday magic and experience joy no matter what's going on around you.