Upon a weekend turnaround, I threw myself into a series of last week kindergarten events -- KinderGames, Camping Under the Stars, Pizza Party, Ice Cream Extravaganza. I took over being Class Mom when one mom had her third baby and the other works full-time outside of the home. What an experience it has been to support N.'s teachers and her class as "Nayla's mom." Here we come, first grade!
Then I have my own upcoming surgery. It was supposed to happen end of May. But my doctor gave birth early, and I had to reschedule, now in 10 days, June 28th. Sometimes the Universe has a strange way of working things out. Had I had my surgery when it was originally scheduled, I would've missed out on N.'s kindergarten wrap-up, and I wouldn't have been able to support my family through the most difficult waiting.
And I have been waiting the last six months to have a hysterectomy. Relieved no cancer, but necessary. Stay tuned for HysterSister stories. Can't wait to don the white capris with no worries!

In the meantime while trying to kick feeling run down and a lingering cough, I have the deepest gratitude for family intimacy, health insurance, my generous and patient Nightingale mom, and incredibly supportive spouse. Thankful everyday for his passionate love, respect and partnership in this wacky adventure called Life.
Almost 15 years together, happy 13th anniversary, A.