
Glad to give

It's a burn some bay leaves cleansing kinda day . . . 

A couple of weeks ago, I sat in church and listened to the priest tell the story of a couple who made the choice to live simply and generously, and their story resonated with me. What is tremendously heartful is living modestly so that we can give to the common good and make donations to our favorite causes. Now more than ever. 

Whether it's the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, or any cause that our family members and friends are dancing, jump roping, running, or walking for, we're glad to be able to give in honor of, in memory of someone. 

On the eve of International Women's Day/Day Without A Woman (March 8), I acknowledge that one of my my best female role models with her compassion and generosity is my mom, who is always glad to give. She and my dad always chose to live modestly and remain in Jersey City. It's a fine balance to live modestly and comfortably and have the ability to give openhandedly. To this day, she will intimately confess how she has provided funds to put a nephew, niece or few through medical, nursing or seminary studies, of which sometimes she has also been taken advantage of by relatives. Nevertheless, she persists in her giving. 

My mom is an amazing Lola. Sure, every grandma has a right to spoil her grandchildren. And when you're currently the only grandchild, oh what fun to receive packages in the mail for no reason at all. Brown paper packages in Lola's handwriting and sufficiently taped up. Delightful surprises of treats from our favorite Bayonne bakery Judicke's, new clothes and a new toy or two most appreciated by N., whose wardrobe is complete until age 8 so far. 

No doubt that Lola is always glad to give. I am thankful to try to follow her example. 

Courage, my friends. What a blessing it is to give cheerfully, accept gratefully, and hope that we are contributing to a better world.