
My word!

My word, it's a new year! And I'm inspired to pick my word. 

Balance. Yes, my word for 2017.

As the new year kicks off, change is a-comin'. New administration. Ugh.

My four-year-old starts Pre-K in two days. Ugh. I know that she and I are both ready for this next step. She enthusiastically says she is going to college. I emphasize, the path to college starts with Pre-K. 

Actually, we have been a bit out of sync for the past month, my little lady and I. It's because we are growing. Outgrowing each other a bit, perhaps? As much as I am grateful for being able to be hands on everyday for the past four years, the time has come for each of us to explore other opportunities individually. It's been absolutely unnerving how N. has become even more defiant and more vocal. I reassure myself, she's expressing her inner warrior. But then the screaming and grunting becomes too long of a fit and feels unmanageable, and I want to explode. I have to contain myself. Ugh. This parenting gig is exhausting, frustrating, and HARD. No one admits that enough.  

I need to return to myself. How will I cultivate Balance in this new year? Instead of random runs and quickie yoga spurts, I will be determined to make time for myself. The afternoon of New Year's Eve, I luxuriated in the treat of a scheduled deep tissue massage. It's been much too long a time since I've had one. As the technician worked to ease the usual tension in my neck, shoulder, and upper back areas, I reveled in the soothing pain of the intense pressure points. At the end of my 90-minute muscle therapy, she recommended more frequent enhanced deep muscle heat therapy. I could feel the much welcome difference in my body after a mint and rosemary infused session that also relieved my aching sinuses. 

Now that the three of us have finally recovered from sickness that lasted from before the holidays, through Christmas, and thereafter, I feel even more urgency to welcome Balance in the new year of the rooster. Ready to take action, ready to take chances, and ready to respond with wit and practicality. 

May we all be in Spirit to choose a meaningful word for 2017, so much so that our hearts carol in appreciation of every breath, and we are more cheery, loving, and patient.