
Heart to heart

N. had her bi-annual cardiologist appointment. She is an absolute train wreck when it comes to doctors' visits, especially since her traumatic hospital spell this past spring. Who can blame her almost three years young self? And maybe she feeds off my nervous energy just a bit before every pediatric specialist appointment despite that I try with every fiber of my being to be calm and uplifting. 

Energy is everything. I am grateful for the medical staff, most especially the nurse and cardiologist who, despite N.'s deafening and crocodile teary screams, remained unruffled. Oh, their most patient and compassionate hearts! This past week, A. spent time practicing at home with N. -- what an EKG would be like -- with raffia ribbon and stickers delicately placed on N.'s body. During pretend EKG, N. was perfectly cool, of course, and said that she didn't have to cry. 

Completely different reaction upon examination. Her energy at the cardiologist's office was literally a far ear-piercing cry from her energy at home. 

Thankfully they were able to gather some kind of reading from N.'s EKG, and it's all good. 


Last week, I had the pleasure of visiting with an old friend from Los Angeles, someone I've known for over twenty years . . . and we respect and enjoy each other without any judgement. I'm thankful to share that fond affection with N., who met my friend., J.,  for the first time. I so enjoyed that she warmed up quickly to J. and his mom, A. Serendipitous how the universe works. He, too, is currently working in higher ed but has long been on his own personal journey of meditation and has been training to become a meditation facilitator. Similarly, I have had my time in higher ed and am now training to become a certified children's yoga instructor and have long explored guided meditation. As we lunched, it was somewhat of a homecoming to someone familiar. It was an additional treat to meet A., whose soothing centeredness J. obviously inherited. I experienced a heartful fellowship with J. and A., that can sometimes be awkward when you haven't seen someone in a while or are meeting for the first time.

We were thrilled to discuss the possibility of working together in the future as J. makes his return to the East Coast. 

Energy is everything. When individual lights are aglow, it requires no effort for one heart to touch another heart. 

What a blessing to remain connected -- heart to heart. 

It's summertime when we take pause and reconnect with our oldest and dearest friends and family or maybe new friends too . . . May you be open to healthy heart-centered connections.