After a lengthy discussion, he reminds me about who I was before N.'s mama. Not that I have to be that same person. He thanks me for giving him the space to explore his passions of fishing and writing. He asks, Who do you want to be? What do you want to try? Now's the time to search and learn.
Breaths of fire.
My immediate reaction? That person whom you first met is long gone. Other than parenthood, I haven't had passion for some time. Sure, I've cared considerably about diversity, educational access, and family welfare. These concerns have been my life's work since my coming of age. But what's my passion now?
I don't know.
I've always known that I want to return to work once N. is in preschool. (We're not there yet, and I'm still enjoying these early years). Like most parents, I desire flexibility in my next calling. I can apply for online teaching gigs if it's finances pinchingly urging me to get back out there and find a job.
That's not what he meant. And that's exactly what he doesn't want me to do.
Breaths of fire.
My partner's kick in my arse certainly lights a fire under me and gives me the permission (that I didn't need) to do some much needed introspection.
A crackling fire can be meditative on one's journey to passion.
I've always known my commitment to youth and wellness. It's how my career in higher education started -- focusing on students and their personal development and providing opportunities for them to grow emotionally and intellectually.
My passion leads me back to . . . youth and mindfulness. Supporting young people in the life skill of continuously being present. Kids are experts at living in the moment. Sadly once school happens, that know-how dissipates with pressures of achievement. Yet, mindfulness is such an important skill to maintain through all stages of life.
Breaths of excitement inspire me to fervently research certifications in children's yoga instruction and mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR). I've looked into several studios, schools and have connected with a couple of resources in the industry.
I haven't felt this exhilarated in quite a while -- in fact so energized that I actually committed myself to a training with Child Light Yoga this summer as well as an introductory class in MBSR as soon as this March.
Thanks to my most amazing life partner . . . finding my rhythm once again.
May we all be fearless and inspired to nurture ourselves in this journey called Life.