It has been an extremely emotionally exhausting weekend as we attended two nights of Tita L.'s wake and yesterday's funeral. Not only emotional, it has also been comforting to truly know how Tita L. is finally at peace, and so is her family. We witnessed how much her husband, Tito R., loved her as he shared stories of their courtship and marriage, and we could see how relieved he was to finally let his wife go after such a long (non) existence. While painful to think of what's ahead without the love of your life, Tito R. has had the past seven years to come to terms without the love of his life as he has devoted every waking moment to her care. Wishing Tito R. much comfort and serenity in the months ahead.
No doubt Tita L.'s heart will continue to live in those to whom she gave so much of herself. To life beyond.