

I.  Meditation at 'Squan
seated atop 'squan sand
gratitude for our life
is as wide as the atlantic ocean
wonderment lies hushedly
against an expansive pink lilac dusk
sweet granddaughter in sunflower yellow ruffles
squeals as she jumps over each rushing wave
doting granddad in a royal purple polo delights
in his precious senior moment
oh, honeyed moment!
be still my Spirit in thanksgiving

II. Sunday prayer
i come solemnly
with tool and paper in hand
to the pier
to write in the dulled blue sky
the one with whom i pray
casts his tool into the incoming tide
Josephs, Marys, Peters, Hannas among us
may peace abide within you
may Spirit illuminate our hearts
the way the Sun smiles upon the bay

III. Visitation
i visit where my father lives
bay breeze catches me 
in deep reflection
fishing boats float past the dock
i continue to write in the sky