Good news is, things seem to be turning around. New opportunities await A., who’ll thankfully have his choice of where he’d like to progress professionally. A. is in the best health he’s ever been, and he attributes our most recent blessings to his joining the Knights of Columbus (KoC) at our church. Ironically, my Dad was a knight and tried numerous times to enlist A. Dad must be pushing some buttons wherever he is and delighted that Sir A. has joined the same brotherhood of charity and community. To divine intervention.
A mama's day wish for her forever child
may blessings surround you
may peace be within you
may Spirit illuminate your heart
now and always
Just had to share this Mother's Day story which was published in 2010 as we work on requesting an extension to our immigration application for our future child. Here is Ken and Heidi's journey. Happy Mother's Day weekend to all the mamas in our circle, those waiting to be mamas, those who love their mamas, and those missing their mamas. Thanks so much for your willingness to share in our anticipation.