
The men in my life

We've decided to participate in our second annual 2011 Run for Dad this year.  It's a challenge to push for donations to find a cure to prostate cancer when Japan's tsunami has devastated the entire Pacific as well as the Japanese American community in the NYC area . . . along with the budget cuts that advocates fight against locally, statewide and federally.  My cousin, K., and her family will be in from Georgia at that time and will be running as part of Team Ka Dad (together with our friends, for our dads).  If you'd like to run, walk, StandUp! to prostate cancer with us on Father's Day - June 19, please join our team.  This upcoming June 4th, Dad would've turned 72.  Sometimes I can't believe it will be three years this August that Dad died.  Then other days, I still grieve as if it were yesterday.  Now, Dad is my guardian angel who keeps me company in my effortful meditations to center myself.   

The man in my life.  My husband, A., is much too wonderful.  After a stressful work day and commute, he has a home cooked meal waiting for me and at least twice a week, a couple of my favorites.  A. patiently listens to my work angst, shows compassion for my family woes and woos me with his unconditional loving actions.  While he amusingly describes me as an outgoing activist with lesbianic tendencies (mostly for my fierce womanly independence and camaraderie), I am truly aware of how blessed I am to have him as my life partner.  Having been together almost eight years, we have survived milestone experiences -- rebirth with an open heart and renewal at death's cancer door.  Both sacred journeys in their own rights.   

A sacred moment
to be centered
rooted in Spirit
like Spring's first bloom