
Not quite

Child A
Age/Sex  2 years and 10 months old / Female
Ref. No. 9248 (09-0311) 

The siblings were voluntarily surrendered by their birthmother. The birthmother has no regular income and thus could not provide the needs of the children. The birthmother has also sought the assistance of their relatives however they are also having financial difficulties.  Child "A" was diagnosed with asthma. She also suffers from skin eruptions along with her asthma attacks. She is also allergic to milk, chicken, fish and soya milk. At present, she walks and runs well. She can bend over to pick something up, take a step backwards, jump in one place and walk up and down the stairs while holding on the rails. She responds to “no” and she can express her emotions. She relates well with the other children and is affectionate towards her caregivers. She can feed herself and drink with a straw. She also likes to do action songs and play with dough. She gets fascinated whenever she gets to form different shapes when playing with dough.

Every other month, A. & I receive a list of special needs children from PSB. We comb through the listings, and usually the needs are much more than we can handle. We go through them anyway, hoping maybe there's a minor need we can manage . . . like asthma. Last week, there was one particular child who caught our eye.  How severe was her asthma? Could it be possible that she would grow out of it? We knew it was a far reach given that she was part of a sibling group, and it would be cruel to separate a sister and brother. Still, to be sure, I called PSB and asked.  

It ended there.  

Of course, they don't separate sibling groups. Sadly, Child A's younger brother has developmental global delay and some form of cerebral palsy. We pray that Child A and her brother, Child B, are matched with a family who can lovingly accommodate their medical needs together.

Many of the descriptions of special needs children read the same. The birthparents chose to leave their children with the grandparents or neighbors, who also could not care for them financially. Child C was sexually abused. Child D witnessed his mother being murdered. Child E is 8 years old and has the developmental capacity of a 4-year-old. Child F was left at the orphanage at age 6, was in counseling for inappropriately touching another child and now understands the difference between bad touch and good touch; she has been told adoption is an option and is very excited to meet her family.   

That so many children waiting to be adopted have experienced hellish ugliness in their lives is sadly humbling and reaffirms why we are on this adoption journey. No matter what ugliness they've witnessed, every child deserves to know protection, wellness and love.

Still waiting. For the one we love.