The introverted A. frequently asks me (who's extroverted) why I bother to keep in touch with friends with whom I share a past and perhaps nothing more. Sure there are those whom we just bless and release. But there's something to be said for connection and still feeling connected. While I may have less in common with friends I grew up with or other folks I knew from my formative years as a young adult, I still feel connected to some of them. And if they still feel connected to me, why not make time to catch up . . . and reconnect?

This love moment
i am loving awareness
because your heart touches mine
because my light connects to your star
i am loving awareness
as i breathe life into you breathe life into me
aroha mai, aroha atu
love towards us, love going out from us
i am loving awareness
Inspired by Be Love Now: The Path of the Heart.