
Back to breath

I hate Christmas.  Hate the having-to-buy presents.  Hate all of the materialism associated with Christmastime.  Oh, the madness of the holiday season.  No doubt most of us are stressed out by deadlines, gift lists and not-so-delightful crowds.  Others are perhaps planning how they're going to stay healthy & keep the weight off -- amidst the work parties, friendly soirees and family feasts.  At least, A. & I are. My biggest peeve is that there are never enough vegetables at family festivities, making it extremely difficult for folks who are heart health conscious.  Even more frustrating is the fact that in general, Filipino food is not the healthiest what with the meats stewed in artery-clogging grease and desserts baked in delicious, but high cholestrol and fat-sticky coconut milk.

But we can be disciplined and control what and how we eat.  For ourselves (and the child who will join our family).  Often A. & I wonder if our child will be able to learn the discipline of healthy eating.  A. says, Good thing is, s/he won't be inheriting my genes.   

Holiday stress and anxieties about the future aside.  Just as important as healthy eating is retreating back to breath.  By that, I mean truly feeling centered.  Centered enough to appreciate time with friends and family.  Centered enough to express our gratitude for all that is right in our lives.  Retreating back to breath can be an hour of yoga, a 20-minute meditation or 5 minutes to . . . take a deep breath. 

Each evening before dinner, A. & I make sure to thank Spirit for love, patience and each other.  And that makes our everyday a little less insane. 

Back to breath.  Back to blessings.