As we continue to wait for our child match, every so often A. & I throw with-our-child-isms into the conversation. For example, we finally visited Cheesequake State Park just 15 minutes from our home. It took four years to decide to go on a hike there. A. assumed it was a not-so-lovely nature preserve. We were pleasantly surprised by the range of difficulty of hiking trails and the local flavor.
With-our-child-ism: Can’t wait to take our child on hikes at Cheesequake Park.
As we hiked the moderate blue trail, we stumbled upon hash-a-thon runners, one of whom was dressed in fishnet stockings and revealing turquoise shorts (didn't seem like running shorts). Once the herd passed us, A. turned over a handful of logs searching for salamanders & snakes.
Stepping on pine needles, strolling past the lake fishermen, spotting the ospreys’ nests across the salt marches made for a most meditative Sunday outing. And after our hike, we hit our favorite Keyport bruncheonette, a local gem -- Lenora's, where the crunchy french toast, authentic huevos rancheros and homemade turkey klub sandwich on multigrain are my personal favorites, all baja fresh and artfully prepared by Lenora herself.
(Can't wait to take our child to Lenora's.)
What a way to taste the autumn!