Snafu. (God bless everyone.) Chaotically muddled situation. We have been patiently waiting for formal approval of our dossier as PSB's timelines have indicated that approval occurs sometime between 3-5 months once it has been sent to ICAB. We'd been hoping for an update by the end of June and were disappointed when we hadn't heard anything. PSB has informed us that ICAB has been extremely slow with dossier approvals (no explanation provided by ICAB), and we are not the only family overdue for dossier approval.
And so we wait. Sna-FU!
Mothers' wisdom & support
Thank you to A., an adoptive mom too, who encouraged me by writing -- "This is one of your labor pains if someone ever says you didn't have to experience any pain getting your child."
And to my cousin, K., who introduced me to St. Clotilde, the patron saint of adopted children and parenthood.
Love to the nurturing & compassionate women in my life.
Mothers' wisdom & support
Thank you to A., an adoptive mom too, who encouraged me by writing -- "This is one of your labor pains if someone ever says you didn't have to experience any pain getting your child."
And to my cousin, K., who introduced me to St. Clotilde, the patron saint of adopted children and parenthood.
Love to the nurturing & compassionate women in my life.