
Sitting Seagull

Love the weekends.  Down the shore. Sitting Seagull (sounds Native Am, doesn't it?) visited with me for a quiet spell while A. & I spent the evening at Avon having attended a good friend's lola's wake in the afternoon.  I sat in Dad's old chair reading Five Wishes by Guy Hendricks, an author/counseling psychologist/spiritual guide.  I fed Sitting Seagull some bread leftover from our 12-year-old niece's February-birthday-in-May overdue lunch date.  He ate some and quietly sat in meditation alongside me, then limped over to park himself by the end of the jetty where A. fished.  Part of me wants to believe it was Dad . . . wanting to touch base and remind us, Take it  easy . . . live a simple life.

As the waves crashed against each other and the fishing jetty in a spring lullaby, I sank deeper into Dad's royal blue comfort, feeling like he was giving me a warm embrace.  Two fleece blankets will do that.  And for a moment, I imagined that my future daughter/son could feel my loving hug across oceans too.

Five Wishes is surprisingly a quick read that promises to give the reader a gift to make her wishes come true.  As I paged through, I realized I've had so many of my wishes come true already.  While some upon their deathbeds wish they'd said things they never got to say to their loved ones, I can confidently say that my life is a success because I live in self-awareness with all my friends & family, saying the important things I need to say, doing the important things I need to do . . . & I work hard to leave nothing unsaid or undone. 

Others wish they had kept a written record of everything significant in their lives.  I have every journal I've ever kept since I was eight years old.  It's not an easy task to give voice to our deepest emotions and thoughts, but doing so keeps me honest and my words & actions authentic. That's why my life is blissful (& blessful).       

Love & light to E. & E. as they along with the San Juan family see their beloved Inay as a shining star in a peaceful night's sky.