my sweet shumai
plump & tender
oozes with yummy love
i can't resist
my winsome delight
Little ones
When I find myself around little ones, I can't help but wonder what it will be like when we finally have our little one with us. Sometimes I am longingly sad that we won't have that early time with her/him. You know . . . that 0-6 months when they aren't squirming around and just sit like a cuddly bundle, when all they want, is to be held. We may not have that one-year-old-plus time when we might witness her/his discovery of a world beyond him/her-self like the novelty of chasing her/his shadow. So I cherish the moments with our nephews and nieces at their youngest. Blowing raspberry kisses with M. Visiting with E. a couple of months after she was born, and she laid on my chest oh-so-angelically & smelled like that oh-so-precious newborn smell. Playing peek-a-boo with J. and making waves with the light aqua scarf as he was ticked by the pretend breeze. And snuggling with S. just 'cause . . . he isn't crawling quite yet and can't get away.
I know that our little one will be a blessing no matter how old s/he is . . . because s/he needs love, & we have so much of it to give. With a leap of faith, there will be no doubt that we belong together. I suppose that's the undeniable gift of becoming an adoptive family.