My sitter from childhood. My friend from middle school. My 'little sister' in high school. My college roommate. My mom. My cousin. My auntie. My sister-in-law. Women in my young and not-so-young adulthood who came of age right alongside me. Goddess Love has been all around me. Goddess Love continues to follow me.
In high school I was the one who never had the boyfriends, and the boys never came a-courtin'. In college I was focused on my studies, activities & friends -- so no boyfriends then either. And in grad school thereafter, well, it was all about living fiercely independent. I never brought any boys home, and Dad even asked me straight out, "Are you a lesbian? If you are, it's okay!" And I used to respond, See what 13 years of all-girls, private, Catholic school has done to me?!
Married almost four years to a wonderfully intelligent, creative, ambitious & compassionate man, I still find myself embraced by Goddess Love, which has never left my side through rounds of self-evolution. A week or so ago, I reconnected with one of my old sitters, V., via skype. Only four years older, yes, she was my sitter. Our conversation lasted almost two hours! Her dad had given away my mom at my parents' wedding more than 40 years ago. Just last Friday, my college roommates and I spent a day together. It's great that B.'s back in Jersey, & we're just a drive away from each other. And yesterday with the help of fb, I met up with another old sitter, M. in downtown Jersey City. In an hour, we tried to squeeze in about 20+ years of catching up. Even our waitress, who seemed heartened by our meeting, noticed that it'd been a while since we'd last seen each other and even took our photo on our way out.
As I hung out later that afternoon with Mom, I found myself in awe of the Goddess Love in my life. Some women like to talk about the greatest loves in their lives, usually mention of an old boyfriend or girlfriend or two . . . lessons learned. I like to talk about the greatest loves in my life -- each woman who has somehow contributed to the fire within me that makes me . . . ME.
Thank you, Great Spirit, for the Goddess in Every Woman. The light within me honors the light in Every Woman. To Goddess Love's blessings.