Spring's warm sun hasn't arrived quite yet, yet Her windy chill has a way with whipping in your face & ensuring that Her bite brings me back into a mindset of abundant blessings. With my cup of coffee, I set afoot on the pathway, over the wooden bridge and along the seawall. I even greeted the seagulls & pigeons, especially one fat one trying to sun-bathe leisurely on the grass. I tried to take his picture, but he strolled away as I approached closer.
As I walked along the sea wall, I was aware of my footsteps as each one hit the pavement . . . making an effort to be aware of my breath too. After all, that's what a mindful walk is all about. Peaceful solitude embraced me. Seniors in their car were parked as they sipped their morning cup o' joe or just stared out at Newark Bay. A couple of old guys were courageous enough to brave the cold & had their fishing poles out. One even sat on a bench with his paper flapping in the breeze. I said 'good morning' to him. As I made my way back to the car, I bumped into an Asian woman bundled up -- wearing all black, hat & gloves -- doing yoga on the wooden bridge as she looked into Spring's Light. My meditation reminder for the day.
Bayonne Park holds three generations' worth of memories. A couple of barbecue birthday parties as a child. The one that I can most remember is when I wore some Dallas Cowboys cheerleading-looking outfit and pigtails. Walks with Mom & Dad after dinner in the summers when I was in high school. Dad & Mom's morning walks as seniors and Dad sitting with his sukoku. Five-year-old Malachi's special NJ week with Lelong last June. And the morning after Dad's memorial service, we honored him by sprinkling his Mass flowers over the seawall and into the bay. All of us there -- Uncle, Auntie, Mitch, Kat, Thom, Malachi, Emi, Elinor, Anally, Josie, Rhenan, Al Harold, Alex, Mom & me.
I'm thankful that I can visit with Dad in more than one location. Whether it's at Bayonne Park or Keyport's Pier, Dad is always in my heart's memory.