The air is crisp out. Definitely fall. My mug full of cafe mocha (made it myself -- french pressed 8 o'clock beans with some hot chocolate) sits on an issue of Women's Health which I have yet to read. At least, the woman on the cover is employed even if it's modeling her tight abs and well toned arms. "STRONG & IN CHARGE" says the cover.
Am I still strong & in charge? As I re-read a few more sympathy cards and wrote out a few more thank you notes this afternoon, I was overwhelmed. It's been a month since Dad passed away. I don't even know if it feels like a while ago or not so long ago. Sometimes the sadness numbs me. Just as I was just getting into some kind of groove at work, I now must carve out a new groove.
I will be thankful for this time. More time to share with my Mom. More time to reflect, regroup and refocus. I need to find my breath and re-center. Having the time to do that makes for a much welcome peace.
Great Spirit: grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.