rocking outside on the terrace
twilight waves lull me
into a hypnotic jersey state
shoreside flashbacks
where the seascape is
home to my mind's eye
and my heart fills
with familiar embraces
longed for in the throes
of a pandemic
the spirited ocean breeze
nestles me close
i breathe the moonrise
glowing golden
love is
Sheelagh Cabalda is a partner, mama and educator, who has worked extensively in youth development, cultural studies, multicultural counseling, cancer support, higher education, events administration and non-profit management. Redefining success is a combination of positive & changing self-concept, inner directedness and a balance of priorities. It is personal empowerment -- taking charge over what we can control & accepting what we cannot. Every day is an attempt to do just that.
Waiting for the moonrise
Rare moment of stillness
sometimes the serenity of
lemon tulip trees as they sway coolly
in the Sunday afternoon's May breeze
surprises us.
sometimes the everyday
cacophony of family life
soothes us.
sometimes we find ourselves
somewhere in between
the sweet scent of honeysuckle
and a smooth, but bold glass of Maipe's Malbec.