You might think that adoption isn’t as painful as pregnancy
or physical labor. Truth is, it is. Just prior to N.’s surprise birth, we rushed to complete our updated homestudy given
the notice that our U.S. immigration approval to adopt a child from the Philippines
expires in November. Our agency, Pearl S. Buck (PSB), advised
us to do so as we could get it done ahead of the deadline. By the end of September, I mailed in our renewal request for immigration approval along with
our updated homestudy (completed in August & mentioned my original due date of 09/13). The response from U.S. Homeland Security? Because I just gave birth to a child, I need
to submit a new updated homestudy.
Is this a contraction?
of this costs, of course – fees that cover the updated homestudy, renewal request application, updated fingerprints,
UPS delivery, etc.
Can't help but feel like PSB has taken advantage of us. Given PSB's expertise and on their suggestion, we completed our revised homestudy prior to N.'s birth. Shouldn't they have known that it would be best to submit an udpate after I gave birth? And now, PSB -- who is no longer licensed to do homestudies in New Jersey (their license expired end of July, and they decided not to renew) -- tells us that we must go to the new homestudy agency to update our homestudy.
Sure feels like a contraction.
N. - 10.01.12 |
Almost makes me want to give up on the adoption process. But we've been on this journey for the past three years, and I'm not ready to give up. A. & I always discussed that if we were able, we'd love to have children by birth and adoption. In my heart, I truly believe our waiting child brought us N., and N. will bring us to our waiting child.
I feel a contraction coming on.
All I can do is take a deep breath. And focus.