Strange how I spent some years of my life working to transform Filipino/Asian American communities, and in the past eight years, I've focused on transforming from within. Instead of working to bring others on a journey of identity through community and activism, I am taking the journey inside of me.
"To become quiet to hear the beyond. To become patient to receive the beyond. To become open to invite the beyond and be grateful to allow the beyond. Be in the present moment to live in the beyond." - from Beyond, Buddhist & Christian Prayers by Tina Turner, Dechen Shak-Dagsay, & Regula Curti
No easy task, of course. Embarking on an inner journey requires much discipline and a hopefulness for the possibility of everything.
We were graced to have been invited to a family friend's son's two-year-old birthday party this weekend. These occasions remind me about the possibility of everything as I eagerly watched toddler V.'s observations of friends and family there to celebrate his life. A delighted and sheepish smile as he fingered his half vanilla and half chocolate sheet cake, V. is the elder son of a longtime family friend, whom I've known since I was four. G.'s parents were old friends of my folks, so I was heartened to visit with Auntie F. and Uncle B. as I miss my Dad so much, and it's comforting to spend time with people who knew him, most especially in the summer as I remember the last few months of his life and our time together.
A. & I had a most lovely Saturday afternoon, care of G., C., and their boys, V. and newborn Z. (A most heartfelt thank you to G. & C.!) While our conversations were short, so too they were meaningful. I appreciated that C. & I were able to connect a few moments. A yoga instructor and inspirer, C.'s aura is immediately inviting as her presence soothes anyone in her company. Interestingly enough, C. & I seem to be drawn to each other the way women just sense when they can relate to each other. While we don't see each other often, I am thankful that our spirits had an opportunity to meet again, if only for a short time because I am reminded how inspired moments can deeply move me.
Happy birthday month, VK! |
For VK
dog days' sun beats down.
birthday's magic dazzles him
like the glimmer of a summer's bath.