
First day in August

Is it really August 1st already? Not sure where the month of July went, except that the last two weeks were taken up by what the pediatrician calls "summer stuff" which consists of a virus somewhere between a cold, but not quite the flu and includes fevers, sore throats and runny noses that get passed along to all members of our household. My legs actually hurt from not having been able to go running what with the "summer stuff" that has taken over recently. Thankfully we are on the mend . . . 

We find it hard to believe that our little lady turns !2! in a week. It really does go that fast.

First day in August marks a month of bittersweetness. Birthdays combined with first date and death anniversaries.  Though bittersweet, it's mostly the celebrations and reliving heartwarming memories that overwhelm. 

Given the most recent Jersey City tragedies such as the cop killing (RIP Detective Melvin Santiago) and three children orphaned during a family camping trip by a murderous tornado (RIP Parents Lolibeth Ortega & Lord Balatbat), I've spent some time remembering my Jersey City roots, the house where I grew up (Nunda & Duncan avenues, casually checking out real estate costs online in my old neighborhood), and the neighbors and family friends we'd made through the years. I remember summer exchanges with my 'country' cousins in Connecticut. I would spend a couple of weeks in Stamford, and they would vacation for a couple of weeks in JC. I remember our dead end block and cooling off with the fire hydrant turned on . . . jump roping with the neighbor kids, Alexa & Tamika, until sunset . . . sharing homemade popsicles on the front stoop . . . 

And I am grateful. For a summer month that reminds me to honor and hold onto dear Life.