
Sunlight rinse

let us hope
that every person
fills with softness and grace
like a sunlight rinse in a woods bath
ridding our bodies of anxiety, fear and sickness
let us be living angels 
who walk a deeply loved and healed earth


Holding space

Am still getting the alerts on my phone to make sure we're at the bus stop in the morning. To make sure that I'm at the bus stop at pickup in the afternoon. Am afraid to delete them for fear that we may never return to the normal schedule before covid-19. 

And now we find ourselves in this new normal attempting to do a combination of homeschooling and unschooling as we keep up with our reading, writing and math and find time to explore interests that our formal classroom doesn't have time to teach us -- experiments, languages, oral family histories, field trips to other countries, and cartwheels outside! 

N. has said more than once, 2020 is a very unlucky year. I thought it was supposed to be a great year! Sadly yes, so far it seems very unlucky. So here we are working to appreciate our family time, no longer limited to just the weekends. It's now 24-7 as A. announces in the morning, Okay going to work now (upstairs on his laptop) . . . and in the afternoon, Back from my (3-second) commute. How long will this bad luck last? Our public school system has currently marked a return date of April 10th, while colleagues in higher education have cancelled university graduations. 

And then there's so much to read!

Stop. Reading. 

Maybe the widespread corona virus is the Universe's payback for all human wrongdoing including climate change, misguided politics, and modern entitled selfishness.  

Every day, with much effort I find time to center. My four-mile hikes are now short neighrborhood walks with N., making sure to be mindful of #physicaldistancingstillsocial as we wave to our neighbor and her kids from across the bluff. Or strolls behind our home to the creek. N. has a favorite spot she refers to as 'the beach.' My other grounding resource is #yogawithadriene, who recently uploaded Yoga for Uncertain Times

How do we hold space for the world that's on pause for who knows how long? Name five things we see. Four things we feel. Three things we hear. Two things we smell. Name one thing good about ourselves. 

Repeat as needed. 

As families united around the world are forced to pause, may we together hold space with much gratitude. 

With deepest apprecation for all the medical professionals who work tirelessly to provide compassionate care amidst intense chaos. From the daughter of a retired nurse. 

Hopeful that this too shall pass. We will return to our friends and families. We will embrace again. We will return to laughing together. Every second will be evermore treasured.